View Full Version : Can you drink your way out of diabetes?

9th December 2017, 16:59
A new way to fight the battle of diabetes or a dangerous fad? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-42154666

People have resorted to drinking 200 calorie drinks in an effort to control and in some cases rid themselves of diabetes, but as the article highlights 'Eating normal food is the hardest bit'. How can such poor nutrition/health recommendations make the news?

Don't the new, especially the BBC have a duty to report responsibly? Drinking 200 calorie drinks does not educate people about the impact of foods on the production of insulin, it doesn't help them to make informed choices and have a little control. I think this type of reporting is dangerous, along with the diet.

10th December 2017, 16:00
I saw this and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Everyone wants a quick solution, so the individual lives on this liquid diet, loses weight, decreases the problematic diabetes then starts eating again.....and then what? What is wrong with people?

10th December 2017, 19:31
Have you noticed it made the news briefly, never to be seen again! I’d like to think most people wouldn’t consider drinking shakes permanently a viable option for daily nutrition.