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View Full Version : The back pain that never was

26th November 2017, 12:44
I just wanted to tell my story, because I know that so many people suffer from back pain and seek over the counter medicines, prescription medicines and alternative medicines. I am one of those people. It didn't seem to matter what I did, I just couldn't rid myself of the pain, and settled into a life of constant pain as though this was my norm.

It was only recently, by some fluke that I needed to change my diet, as a result of worsening stomach problems. My change in diet resulted in a reduction of back pain, by cutting out dairy and wheat I noticed my back (and stomach) pain had all but gone. I now notice that the occasional random food upsets my stomach, I almost immediately get back ache.

Now, I am not saying that all back ache is stomach related, but I am suggesting that it might be worth a consideration. If you do suffer from back pain, have a look at your diet, maybe cut some foods out and see how it makes you feel.

I think I should mention that Whilst I had stomach pain, I didn't always have stomach pain when I had back pain.

1st December 2017, 19:07
This is really interesting that you have suffered what you thought was back problems originating from your back, (I’m Guessing musculoskeletal), yet all this time it was a problem with your stomach. Surely the stomach pain started first followed by back pain?

I’m pleased to hear you are much better and now free of the pains that have blighted you for so long. It makes perfect sense to have a problem in your stomach, but feel it in other places due to the nerve pathways that surround the stomach and abdomen.

You would think that the Doctors would have considered all possibilities and maybe looked at the bigger picture, and maybe done some thinking outside of the box.

8th November 2018, 20:16
It is an interesting post, not least because it show us that what we sometimes consider as obvious is not necessarily the case.
In recent articles I have read that the stomach has loads of nerves, this may give some explanation as to your back pain.

Maybe the nerves were irritated and the pain you felt was referred pain.

14th November 2018, 13:25
I just wanted to tell my story, because I know that so many people suffer from back pain and seek over the counter medicines, prescription medicines and alternative medicines. I am one of those people. It didn't seem to matter what I did, I just couldn't rid myself of the pain, and settled into a life of constant pain as though this was my norm.

It was only recently, by some fluke that I needed to change my diet, as a result of worsening stomach problems. My change in diet resulted in a reduction of back pain, by cutting out dairy and wheat I noticed my back (and stomach) pain had all but gone. I now notice that the occasional random food upsets my stomach, I almost immediately get back ache.

Now, I am not saying that all back ache is stomach related, but I am suggesting that it might be worth a consideration. If you do suffer from back pain, have a look at your diet, maybe cut some foods out and see how it makes you feel.

I think I should mention that Whilst I had stomach pain, I didn't always have stomach pain when I had back pain.

Im curious, did you go back and tell your doctor? If so, what was their reaction to your findings?