View Full Version : Coconut Dahl - a winter warmer

26th November 2017, 11:57
I should apologise for my over use of Deliciously Ella (https://deliciouslyella.com/2017/08/09/spicy-coconut-lentil-dahl/) recipes, but I find myself stopping short of a full apology, Why? Well, because Ella does food so well, and why re-invent the wheel:thumb

This recipe is for the wonderful, creamy, warming Coconut Dahl, perfect for the coming winter months.


Serves: 4
Prep: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 120 Minutes


400g of dry green lentils, 2 cups
x 2 400 ml cans of coconut milk
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 large tomatoes, chopped
Teaspoon of ground cumin
Teaspoon of curry powder
Teaspoon of cinnamon
Teaspoon of paprika
Teaspoon of chilli powder
Handful of chilli flakes
Salt and pepper to taste

The Method:

Begin by putting all of your dahl ingredients into a pan and give it all a good stir. Bring to a boil before reducing to simmer over a low temperature, then leave uncovered for 2-3 hours until thick – making sure to stir and add more water if it starts to stick to the bottom of the pan.

When your dahl is almost cooked and smells delicious, put your rice on to boil and slice your avocado.
Once your dahl is cooked, stir through a little more salt and a splash of water to your taste.
Serve with a side of rice, a dollop of coconut yogurt, some sliced avocado and a sprinkle of chilli flakes – enjoy!

27th November 2017, 17:24
This is so lovely, and very filling. I personally don't add the avocado on it, but, I do have an extra dollop of Dahl :angel:

I have to admit, I love Ella's recipes and the fact they are so tasty and healthy. A rarity in todays food industry.

1st December 2017, 18:44
This looks really nice and so simple. I have purchased vegetarian, healthy cook books in the past and some of the recipes are so long and either take an age to prepare and cook or cost a fortune.

I love the fact the recipes that are shared on here are simple to cook and very healthy.