View Full Version : Avocado chocolate mousse

21st July 2017, 16:28
Avocado Chocolate Mousse
This has just been rated as my all time favourite pudding, by far!
It is so simple to make, and is full of goodness. Feed it to your children and find them wanting more, while you sit back and glow in the knowledge that they are eating healthy foods. :applouse:



2 ripe avocados
4 Ripe bananas, peeled
12 Medjool dates, pitted
4 tablespoons almond butter
6 heaped teaspoons raw cacao powder
Drizzle of maple syrup (optional)


Slice and peel the avocados and remove the stone before putting into a food processor.
Add the rest of the ingredients and add a splash of water.

Whizz in the food processor until a smooth texture is achieved. Divide into ramekins and keep refrigerated until ready to eat.
When ready to eat, you can add add toppings of your choice.

21st July 2017, 20:31
Can you taste the avocado?

22nd July 2017, 07:35
Only a slight subtle hint Lidia.

You could give these to kids and they would love them.... 100% healthy ingredients too, so a win win situation.

22nd July 2017, 19:42
I very much doubt kids would notice the taste, you could always drizzle a little more maple syrup in, or add a little more cacao. But to be honest, I would try them as they are first before adding more ingredients, they are sublime.

14th August 2017, 19:17
Wow, how delicious is this mousse? Served with fresh raspberries and chocolate chia biscuits (recipe on here) was a real taste explosion. Thanks for sharing Louise.

14th August 2017, 20:26
Wow, how delicious is this mousse? Served with fresh raspberries and chocolate chia biscuits (recipe on here) was a real taste explosion. Thanks for sharing Louise.

Its my pleasure, I think it's a healthy recipe that kids will enjoy without realising the ingredients. :sly: And the tastes are so strong, you don't need a lot of it to satisfy your palate and sweet tooth.

16th August 2017, 05:40
I tried this dessert on some guests recently, it went down a storm, the children loved it. The parents had said that the children wouldn't eat any veg, yet here I was getting them to joyfully eat avocados.

You should have seen my face :sly:

8th August 2020, 09:24
This is great for children as they are getting the health benefits from the avocado without them knowing. :applause:

22nd September 2020, 06:38
I have never enjoyed the waxy texture of avocado but it seems to be in everything these days so I gave this chocolate mousse a try and it is delicious