View Full Version : Home made Guacamole

4th July 2017, 18:23
https://scontent.flhr3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/19657196_475800946087001_1227852883263597312_n.jpg ?oh=af87a5cfc5133a71df8779cfc81a6029&oe=59DA558A

74 (https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en) Recipe courtesy of Plant Bites

Home made guacamole

This is an easy and super nutritious lunch or dinner. There is so much room for variation but tonight I just added chopped chilli, some coriander and salt and pepper to the pancakes. Topped with some homemade guacamole; recipe for the guacamole as follows;

https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png 1 avocado
https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png half red onion diced
https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png 4 finely chopped cherry tomatoes
https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png dash of olive oil (optional)
https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png salt/pepper
https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f69/1/16/1f331.png squeeze of lemon juice

https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/f2d/1/16/1f951.png Simply mash the avocado and mix ingredients!

Please click on the Plant Bites logo to be redirected to their website.

7th July 2017, 16:47
What is the base that the guacamole is on?, it looks gorgeous, loving the presentation, this would be great for parties.

17th October 2020, 15:42
Absolutely delicious, what do you eat with yours?

19th October 2020, 16:20
Absolutely delicious, what do you eat with yours?

I like to eat with sesame bread sticks