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View Full Version : India is set to over take China in the population stakes

27th June 2017, 19:42
I read recently that India is set to overtake china as being the most populated country in the world.

By 2015 the world is predicted to have a population of over 9.7 billion, rising to 11.2 billion some 50 years later. In case you are wondering we are at 7.9 billion at the moment.

I think these predictions are very scary considering water scarcity and fossil fuel limitations. We are speeding toward a global disaster of epic proportions.

27th June 2017, 20:49
These statistics are very frightening, when you look at the wars around the world, these will only get worse once human basics become a scarce comodity.

28th June 2017, 20:41
I think by 2050 we will start to see a huge migration of people to Europe for survival due to a lack of natural resources.

29th June 2017, 20:23
I read this with interest, this is from the UN.org website

'From 2017 to 2050, it is expected that half of the world’s population growth will be concentrated in just nine countries: India, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Ethiopia, the United Republic of Tanzania, the United States of America, Uganda and Indonesia (ordered by their expected contribution to total growth)'

Notably, these are some of the poorest countries.

29th June 2017, 21:09
Nigeria is growing the most rapidly of all the countries. It is expected to become the 3rd largest population in the world, it currently stands at 7th place behind the U.S.

2nd July 2017, 20:17
Nigeria is growing the most rapidly of all the countries. It is expected to become the 3rd largest population in the world, it currently stands at 7th place behind the U.S.

Can the country's economics afford to have such an increase in population?

2nd July 2017, 20:25
It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to reach 1 billion, then it took just 200 years to grow seven fold.:eek

2nd July 2017, 20:35
I read in the Daily mail that experts predicted that by 2050 half of the worlds population would live in Africa. The prediction is that along with this growth will be rising pollution, scare natural resources, increased crime poverty and political unrest.

3rd July 2017, 18:05
These statistics are quite worrying when you consider the mass migration from Africa that has been taking place for the last few years. The Migrants are saying they are running from war, slavery, unemployment, starvation etc
Yet, these statistics suggest that the population will increase faster than any other country. Something needs to be done, and fast.

7th July 2017, 08:56
It is frightening stuff, but I'm sure I read somewhere that there is an educational programming going on in Africa to try to reduce the number of births per woman. If this works, you may see these statistics change for the better.

7th July 2017, 16:21
The figures are staggering, but this may offer some comfort.... http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in less than 30 years (1959), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987).

During the 20th century alone, the population in the world has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.

In 1970, there were roughly half as many people in the world as there are now.

Because of declining growth rates, it will now take over 200 years to double again.

7th July 2017, 20:12
I can't image what the planet will be like in the next 30 years, with such a huge increase in population. We can already see a big shift in how cars are going to be powered. there has to be a monumental shift in the way we manufacture, dispose of waste and use natural resources, otherwise we will see a world that has a sicker population than ever, a world with no resources and a crime ridden society where it is dog eat dog. If we don't change, I think we will start to see the decline in the human race.

14th July 2017, 08:33
I was watching the documentary 'cowspiracy' yesterday and it discussed the difficultly in feeding the worlds population with the land that we have available, hence the massive deforestation. It also mentioned that meat consumption was on the rise around the world. The simple fact is with a growing world population the planet cannot feed the forthcoming population unless drastic actions are taken, and that would mean everyone turning vegetarian overnight, which of course will never happen.
All I can see for the future of the human race was anarchy, violence and starvation.

If you can get the opportunity to see this film, I highly recommend you take it.

15th July 2017, 10:28
I was watching the documentary 'cowspiracy' yesterday and it discussed the difficultly in feeding the worlds population with the land that we have available, hence the massive deforestation. It also mentioned that meat consumption was on the rise around the world. The simple fact is with a growing world population the planet cannot feed the forthcoming population unless drastic actions are taken, and that would mean everyone turning vegetarian overnight, which of course will never happen.
All I can see for the future of the human race was anarchy, violence and starvation.

If you can get the opportunity to see this film, I highly recommend you take it.

Let me get this right, you are blaming the future starvation in the world and potential extinction of our species on meat eaters:doh

18th July 2017, 13:00
Let me get this right, you are blaming the future starvation in the world and potential extinction of our species on meat eaters:doh

Well, I suppose if you want to take it to the final point then yes, I do think there will be a causal link.

21st July 2017, 20:29
I heard that the production of food around the world has to be doubled in order to meet the population by 2048:ykies

Where will they find the land to meet the rising food demand?

22nd July 2017, 19:45
The numbers and outcomes are staggering, what bothers me is that it seems a very under reported problem. 2050 will soon be upon us and if we leave it any longer to act it will surely be too late. We are the world governments not talking about this?