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View Full Version : The sacred Plant docu-series

Gwen Jones
7th June 2017, 11:37
Hi, I just wanted to share this documentary series with you. It is on a sacred plant and the healing benefits of the plant. The screening starts tonight. you need to sign in to be able to watch it. But I thought I would share.


<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hCMYHhCTFl0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

8th June 2017, 16:37
Thanks for sharing, this came up on my Facebook feed, so I registered to watch it. I was really intreagued by it! Who knew that Cannabis was so powerful and that we have receptors in our brain for cannibinoids.

8th June 2017, 19:46
I've never understood why medicinal cannabis is not widely available and known, it can be excellent for those suffering from neurological conditions and spascity. I know I would use it if my condition would benefit from it.

It's sad that big pharma has the public so controlled and brainwashed.

John B
8th June 2017, 20:17
I saw this, I love these documentaries that highlight miracle plant based drugs, but always find myself frustrated at the control that prevents these drugs, or even this knowledge widely known.

9th June 2017, 10:19
Years ago the rich were injected with Mercury to cure their ailments, in modern times we laugh at this absurdity, while arguing the benefits of prescription drugs :doh

When will the human race wake up and take responsibility for their own knowledge? Make the governments accountable for the damage being done to the millions of people.

The information is out their, readily available, yet people are brainwashed into believing the people that make Trillions of dollars/pounds from peddling these drugs are telling the truth and only have the people's best interests at heart!

11th June 2017, 07:48
It is interesting to see how cannabis can help with Multiple Sclerosis, a crippling chronic disease. I watch this series and many like them and find I am in disbelief that the human race can ban a plant that has so many health benefits and so few, if any side affects.

Yet you can happily buy foxglove or digitalis, which can poison you if eaten :ne_nau:

11th June 2017, 07:58
Yet you can happily buy foxglove or digitalis, which can poison you if eaten :ne_nau:

I'm not sure you can happily eat foxglove, but I get your point. Digitalis has an effect on the heart muscle and when consumed in sufficient quantity can cause you to have a heart attack.
However, from what I have read, you are more than likely going to vomit it back up before it can do you any serious harm.

11th June 2017, 09:04
It is interesting to see how cannabis can help with Multiple Sclerosis, a crippling chronic disease. I watch this series and many like them and find I am in disbelief that the human race can ban a plant that has so many health benefits and so few, if any side affects.

Yet you can happily buy foxglove or digitalis, which can poison you if eaten :ne_nau:

That is an interesting point you make there, there are many plants that when consumed are toxic to humans, leading to ill health or death. Why single cannabis out?

11th June 2017, 09:07
Why single cannabis out?

Because the government don't want people to enjoy themselves, especially When there is no money to be made!

11th June 2017, 16:59
I would love to sit the Prime minister in a room and make him/her explain to me why such harmful substances, which deplete our health, such as smoking, vapping and alcohol are so readily available, yet medicinal cannabis isn't? I would love to hear the explanation.

Gwen Jones
10th July 2017, 18:36
The problem is that there is such confusion between the street drug and the medicinal form of cannabis. while this confusion remains there will never be a positive movement to legalise medicinal cannabis.

I found the series really interesting, but felt frustrated for those people that were trying to obtain cannabis purely to save their own lives. The mine field of red tape is sickening, especially when you can buy more dangerous drugs in your local corner shop.

10th July 2017, 21:17
Have you heard of RSO, or Rick Simpson Oil? This man 'Rick' cured himself of skin cancer and has been an advocate for cannabis oil ever since. He is a firm believer in the qualities of the oil to heal ailments and chronic diseases.
He read an article that showed that THC (I'm not sure what is stands for) kills tumours in Mice, so Rick makes a highly concentrated cannabis oil which has been extracted from female cannabis plants that contain high concentrations of THC.

He is so passionate about his oil that he has given the recipe and instructions on how to make the oil away freely on the internet http://phoenixtears.ca/super-oils/. Which I think is an incredible gesture. He strongly recommends that you make it yourself rather than buy it due to the many scammers online.

I think this a testimony to the kind of person Rick is and the belief he has in his oil.

31st July 2017, 22:38
I found this on the web, I understand it to be perfectly legal and one of the most respected companies currently on the web, worth a look for anyone wanting to find CBD in medicinal form in this country.


21st August 2017, 08:34
I managed to watch the series and I have to say I was quite impressed, it got me looking into Hemp as well as cannabis, and I was surprised by the benefits of hemp too. So I've added more hemp products into my cooking and then stepped it up a bit and invested in some cannabis essential oil, made from female flowers and contains no THC ( the stuff that gets you high). It is said to be beneficial for the skin, pains etc, so initially I am going to apply it topically and maybe infuse it around the home. Then I may try it internally, it is really difficult to find info on how to use this stuff properly because the dear Government won't allow alternative medicine to explain the benefits, or how to use.

TSP Admin
3rd October 2017, 16:43
Thank you for your enthusiasm to assist us in getting the important information about The Sacred Plant out to the world for free however, it is our intent that the identity of the sacred plant remains a mystery until it’s introduced in the film, by facts. There may be people who have been misinformed and/or have a negative opinion of the sacred plant that wouldn’t watch the docuseries if the mystery were revealed, yet they, or a loved one, may be desperately in need of the vital information presented. We feel this can be best accomplished by controlling where/how the material is available therefore we respectfully request that you remove anything of ours that you’ve posted ASAP.

Again, thank you so much for your desire to share this powerful information with as many people as possible, and for honoring our request. 

Respectfully, TSP Admin

Gwen Jones
3rd October 2017, 17:46
Thank you for your enthusiasm to assist us in getting the important information about The Sacred Plant out to the world for free however, it is our intent that the identity of the sacred plant remains a mystery until it’s introduced in the film, by facts. There may be people who have been misinformed and/or have a negative opinion of the sacred plant that wouldn’t watch the docuseries if the mystery were revealed, yet they, or a loved one, may be desperately in need of the vital information presented. We feel this can be best accomplished by controlling where/how the material is available therefore we respectfully request that you remove anything of ours that you’ve posted ASAP.

Again, thank you so much for your desire to share this powerful information with as many people as possible, and for honoring our request. 

Respectfully, TSP Admin

This is really sad to see this response from the TSP admin team. I thought the series was excellent and should be promoted and encouraged. This amazing information needs to get out, and be shared widely. When this gets mentioned on Facebook do the admin team stop it on there? I'm sure the series actively encourages people to spread the word and get people on board. My original post was doing just that, promoting the film and encouraging people to look at the series to learn the facts.

It's sad to see they are trying to do, what they complain is being done to the sacred plant. :ne_nau:

25th November 2017, 21:46
I've seen this all over Facebook, why are the team trying to get rid of it on here? Surely they want to promote this, not hide it :ne_nau:

Anyway, on a more positive note, I've noticed my local health food store stocking this oil, which is really great news.

27th November 2017, 19:28
Cannabis oil seems to have really become mainstream, i’ve Been seeing it in loads of places.