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20th May 2017, 17:00
I enjoy meditating, although I'm fairly new at it and feel I am still learning, as yet I haven't cracked this state of 'bliss' that so many talk of. When I speak to people I often get told 'I can't meditate, my mind is too active', so I thought as a newbie to this site I would share what I know...

Everyone has an active mind, the skill is to recognise when your mind wonders off and then re-focus on your breathing to clear your mind. Each and every time your mind gets active again, re-focus and carry on. This is the art to it, eventually, the interruptions become less and you retrain your brain.

When you get it right, you can do a 10-20 minute meditation and it is like having a 3 hour power nap, you feel energised and focused.

21st May 2017, 07:12
It seems the trend now-a-days, which basically means the celebs have caught onto a ancient tradition of meditating and think they've invented it.:doh

I have given this a go, and would love to get into a bit more. Generally, I seem to spend my time fighting the chit chat in my head. But, I do recall an occasion when I was sitting on my deck chair, the sun beating down on me, the birds tweeting and I decided to give it a go...wow! I managed to do about 10 minutes, I couldn't believe it, I expected to open my eyes all groggy, but quite opposite occurred. I felt inner vitality, as though I had had the most resorartive sleep ever.

21st May 2017, 11:51
So what does actually happen? Taking into account you are above to clear the chit chat, what then?

21st May 2017, 17:38
So what does actually happen? Taking into account you are above to clear the chit chat, what then?

Well, once you stop the chit chat you become more aware of your body, you notice how relaxed you are, and you keep focusing on your breath in and out. Your body becomes more and more relaxed and you start to drift off into nothingness.

As you can see, it's hard to explain, and maybe everyone's experience is unique.

22nd May 2017, 06:42
I seem to struggle to find the time to meditate and give it 100%, it seems to be part of my 'list of things to do' in a day, which makes it something I rush into doing, in order to tick it off my list.

I'm never quite sure if you can have a focus during the meditation, for example, focus on your health, a job interview or whether you should just have a quite, still mind.

22nd May 2017, 06:42
So what does actually happen? Taking into account you are above to clear the chit chat, what then?

Hi Sophie, love your picture, is that you?

24th June 2017, 05:45
Meditation is great as it makes you 'be in the moment', tune in to the inner you and gives you a period of clarity.

You'll find that the more you do it, the more you will want to do it.

30th June 2017, 07:19
I seem to struggle to find the time to meditate and give it 100%, it seems to be part of my 'list of things to do' in a day, which makes it something I rush into doing, in order to tick it off my list.

I'm never quite sure if you can have a focus during the meditation, for example, focus on your health, a job interview or whether you should just have a quite, still mind.

I believe you should aim for a clear mind, not focus on something.

30th June 2017, 07:22
Hi Sophie, love your picture, is that you?

Ha, ha! I wish! No it's not me, she is my inspiration, she has a great figure doesn't she? When I feel like eating rubbish I look at her and my weakness resolves and I remind myself of the commitment that looking like that takes, but also the commitment that anything we want in life takes.

7th July 2017, 16:40
I always use Youtube for my assisted meditations, there is a great variety of guided meditations to choose from, some with extremely annoying voices.

28th November 2017, 20:41
Having heard how good meditation can be, I have tried to set aside 10 minutes a day to meditation, but I find it so hard to stay on track and not let my mind wonder off into different zones. I’ve tried multiple apps to help me meditate but with very little joy, any suggestions or app recommendations would be greatly recieived.

1st December 2017, 18:40
I think it’s a case of trying many and find one that resonates with you. What suits one person, may not suit you.

14th November 2018, 13:15
Having heard how good meditation can be, I have tried to set aside 10 minutes a day to meditation, but I find it so hard to stay on track and not let my mind wonder off into different zones. I’ve tried multiple apps to help me meditate but with very little joy, any suggestions or app recommendations would be greatly recieived.

I think it is a case of you need to keep searching, what suits one person doesn't suit another. From my experience, I find that certain peoples voices just grate me to the core. you can always try just staring at a flickering candle.