View Full Version : Yoga for weight loss

17th May 2017, 16:52
I saw this video, in my quest to find more yoga exercises. I thought it was simple and do-able for most people regardless of your starting point.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cHZa0hY-Xjg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

19th May 2017, 20:45
This is really quite good, It is faster paced than normal yoga and you do get slightly out of breath doing it. :encouragement:

23rd May 2017, 09:30
I joined up to my first yoga class once.... holy moly! I should have done my research, I had joined up to hot yoga :peach: and it was torture. There was I expecting a very relaxing evening of stretches, followed by 10 minutes lying flat on your back (cool down)... err... no! It is not recommended for newbies, although I have to say it makes you realise how fit and supple you need to be to undertake that type of yoga.

5th June 2017, 15:05
Yoga always looks so serene, but I have to say on the occasions I have done yoga I look anything less than serene, I find the warrior quite a difficult pose to maintain with poise and dignity. So I can appreciate the calories burnt trying to maintain the simplistic look.

13th December 2017, 12:49
I’m not so sure on the idea of yoga for weightloss, I like the concept that it is serene and a form of meditation. I like the fact it stretches, strengthens and elongates the muscles.

For me, doing it as a form of exercise to lose weight makes it seem more like a chore than an enjoyable past time.