View Full Version : Starting Yoga
12th May 2017, 10:12
I realise as I get older I am less supple than I used to be and this will only lead to aches and pains in the future, I have read a lot about the benefits of yoga and would like to start practising at home, but I do not have the time to go to weekly lessons.
I would prefer to do it at home, at least initially while my time to commit to it is limited. Can anyone recommend any DVD's that are good, not too complicated and easy to follow?
19th May 2017, 20:43
I have started Yoga at home secretly, to build my strength and suppleness. I can't speak for other DVD's as this is the only one I've tried for beginners 'Hathaway and Flow, yoga for beginners'
It's simple and easy to use and as a first timer I was able to do all the poses....not well, but I could do them.
20th May 2017, 06:36
Hi Daisy,
There are loads of different types of DVD's out there, and as a beginner I would strongly advise to stay away from weightloss, power or flow yoga, certainly until you get used to the poses and the way yoga works. Yoga is not about positions you just throw yourself into and then move on. Each pose has to be tweeted to get the righ position, mainly so you are not going to hurt yourself or do damage.
As a rule, yoga dvd's expect the viewer to follow the moves they do, therefore little instruction is made. Which can be frustrating when you are in downward dog and you can't see the TVs screen to see the instructor has changed pose. That being said, I strongly advise you to watch the who sequence through first, then have a go, and don't be put off if you can't keep up, or do the moves very gracefully, it will come the more you practice and get to know the routine.
This DVD offers short and long sessions, allowing you to fit yoga into your everyday, no matter busy you are, plus it gives you a chance to learn a routine quickly, helping to build your confidence.
over the hill
23rd May 2017, 07:26
Have you looked on YouTube for some yoga beginners videos? It may give you the opportunity of finding something for you with paying the money initially?
30th June 2017, 07:16
What I did was find some areas of my body that I would like to improve, look for some corresponding yoga moves and then make up my own sequence, this way I can keep the routine short be very effective.
10th July 2017, 18:22
What I did was find some areas of my body that I would like to improve, look for some corresponding yoga moves and then make up my own sequence, this way I can keep the routine short be very effective.
This is exactly what I do, I find it very time consuming to follow a whole routine, so I narrow down the sections that are beneficial to me right now, i.e arms and legs and work on those sections when time is limited. At the weekend when I have more time, I will go through a whole body routine, just for completeness.
Sometimes its the time to do the exercise that results in us not maintaining the routine, you have to find ways to make it work for you.
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