View Full Version : President Trump
20th January 2017, 19:10
Well, he is in! Do you think he'll be a disaster on the international stage?
21st January 2017, 06:48
While he was on the campaign trail I couldn't stand the man. But his speech yesterday about putting his country first was very interesting, and something I would like to hear more often by our own Ministers.
What ever you think about him, you can't deny he lacks passion, again something all of our ministers lack.
He may be a disaster and start wars, or he may be an injection of freshness that politics needs, or which politicians around the world may learn from, I think we should wait 6 -12 months before we can begin to pass judgement.
23rd January 2017, 21:16
Absolutely, and it'll be fun to watch too! :doh
26th January 2017, 08:00
It's unbelievable to watch, I'm really not sure what to make of him. The things he comes out with, I'm not quite sure if he is utterly brilliant, or utterly stupid!
And as for the wall of Mexico! I'm shocked that it is even being considered. Surely humans should be coming together, not becoming more decided than ever.
John B
29th January 2017, 15:19
Can you believe this man? It is quite comical to watch what is unfolding....I say comical, with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek!
This latest farce is the travel ban, which has alienated American residents from returning back into the country!
This latest plan does not seem to have thought through very well, and what is worrying is the speed and reckless way he is bringing about change. Such ignorance and stupidity will leave America and the World open to more attacks.
29th January 2017, 15:42
I understand that Trump wants to get some control over the borders, but this does seem a knee jerk reaction and not one that has been thought through at all.
You are right John B, I think that this type of action and thinking will make the U.S a greater, not lesser target.
3rd February 2017, 19:04
This man is mad! I am genuinely scared for the future of the world with this man in charge. He seems to act before thinking.
How is it the countries can employ such a person, he is dangerous.
4th February 2017, 17:06
The over ruling of the travel ban by some courts surely makes a mockery of the system and of the Presidents discision. Trumps decision Rightly or wrongly should not be over ruled by some judges and not by others. Surely it is either legal or not.
11th February 2017, 06:41
Trump is making the presence look like a laughing stock of socially inept people run by an idiot. The powers that be and the rest of America must be cringing right now and quickly drawing up plan B.
22nd February 2017, 12:27
Can you believe it is being debated in parliament about whether Trump can visit on an official basis? is that a first in the history of the world?
22nd February 2017, 13:06
I don't know whether debating if the President of the united States can come to Britain on an official capacity. But, surely if the concern is that it may embarrass the Queen why doesn't someone just ask her, rather than debate it in Parliament at yet more cost to tax payers money.
23rd February 2017, 12:28
Personally, I cant stand the main, and anything positive thing I may have felt has since gone out of the window, that said, He is an elected president, and we should accept that he is the leader of the 'Free world', as such when the shit hits the fan, we will be crawling to them for support, and therefore we should treat him courteously.
over the hill
19th May 2017, 14:52
This man is unbelievable, I'm still in shock and disbelief that this man is even the leader of world superpower, he's a buffoon. His election makes a mockery of the whole system and job role.
I can not believe he will carry out a full term as president, I can't help but feel that there is a higher power and they will somehow remove him.
More worryingly, I think he has the potential to put the world at risk of another war, if he continues to play games with North Korea.
I fail to understand the mentality of the American public, was Hilary that bad, surely her years of experience would have amounted to something. I wonder if there are any bets on how long he will serve?:rolleyes:
20th May 2017, 20:46
I wonder if there are any bets on how long he will serve?:rolleyes:
I read that the bookies have given trump a 55% chance of leaving before the end of his first term.
24th May 2017, 20:57
Say what you like about him, but he seems to be making the Saudi's happy. I seem to be blowing hot and cold about him, I think we should be mindful that the news is 'fake news' and is very bias and controlled. He must have something about him to be in post.
25th May 2017, 20:34
Say what you like about him, but he seems to be making the Saudi's happy. I seem to be blowing hot and cold about him, I think we should be mindful that the news is 'fake news' and is very bias and controlled. He must have something about him to be in post.
I can't help but get the feeling that he doesn't know what he is actually doing as President, I think he is winging it and hoping something good comes of it.
Let's be honest the Americans have p*ssed a fair few countries off, and judging by the news today, we have just joined the queue.
Say what you like about him, but he seems to be making the Saudi's happy. I seem to be blowing hot and cold about him, I think we should be mindful that the news is 'fake news' and is very bias and controlled. He must have something about him to be in post.
He is such an arrogant man, did you see the news recently where he pushed another president to the side at the G7 summit? The arrogance of that man is believable. He has walked away leaving the rest of G7 unsure as the the US stance on climate change. What are arse that man man is!
John B
29th May 2017, 10:48
He is such an arrogant man, did you see the news recently where he pushed another president to the side at the G7 summit? The arrogance of that man is believable. He has walked away leaving the rest of G7 unsure as the the US stance on climate change. What are arse that man man is!
He is a liability. Trump will either achieve amazing things through shear ignorance or he will bring his country and others down. While it is commendable to have the arrogance to say that he puts his own country first, we would all like to say that wouldn't we? after all, isn't that what Brexit was about? But the world doesn't work like that, we have to come together and work as one.
Turning away from each, looking out for our own interests so blatantly will cause others to do the same, as seen only yesterday in Angela Merkel's speech, this is not good for any one country and not good for the stability and unity of the world.
Sad times ahead.
2nd June 2017, 07:17
I can't this man, his decisions are very questionable and he has now officially proven to be a lose cannon. He has pulled out of the Paris climate change accord, BUT...BUT, he expects everyone to get back around a table and agree a new set of terms purely for the US, OR he wants an entirely new transaction.
Does he have any idea how many years it took for the Paris accord to be agreed by everyone? I think if I was everyone else I would say...tough! You pulled out. Good bye. Let him face the backlash in his own country.
The Paris accord is bigger than jobs, it is about sustainability of the world for future generations. If the US wants jobs, they should innovate and generate jobs, but not at the cost of the world.
2nd June 2017, 14:11
Is he a fool or is it a savvy move? the money he would be obliged to stump up, he can now re-invest in the US and still be meeting targets on reducing emissions.
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