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View Full Version : Loose skin after weight loss

John B
24th November 2016, 19:38
I've seen images, documentaries and videos of people that have lost a lot of weight and have masses of loose skin, which worries me greatly.

I saw the article on loose skin, which I do try and incorporate the foods in my diet, but is there anything else I can apply/do to tighten the skin?

25th November 2016, 09:02
I know what you mean...:ykies

This is an extreme case, (and not me). From what I understand prevention is key here. Once the skin is at this stage, there is very little that can be done. This is usually caused by extreme weight loss, age, poor nutrition...in fact, multiple factors are at play here. But, most important, it is impossible to get this skin back to normal.

The article is about prevention and is key to maximising healthy skin. Eat your greens, as the greens are your best friend, don't rush to lose the weight, and do lots of toning exercises.

25th November 2016, 19:44
Jeez:ykies, do we really need to see that? I've just eaten!

Exercise will bring blood to the skin and with it nutrients, but not everyone likes to exercise. My suggestion would be to just keep moving.

25th November 2016, 20:58
Skin brushing is supposed to help tighten the skin, it is said to bring the blood to the surface, bringing nutrients and taking away toxins.

26th November 2016, 15:21
Salt scrub is another external option, it works in the same way as skin brushing, bringing blood and nutrients to the surface of the skin.
And get as many nutrients into you that support the growth and maintenance of skin elasticity and collagen.

28th November 2016, 20:34
loose the weight slowly and this will allow your skin to ping back slowly and in line with the weightloss

28th November 2016, 20:35
you can buy oils for pregnant women to rub on the skin to help keep the skin supple, may be worth a try.

over the hill
2nd December 2016, 20:36
There are loads of creams available to tighten skin, but trust me, I've tried them all, they don't work.

The most amazing improvement I ever saw in my skin was when I went on a raw diet for about 9 months, I couldn't sustain it, due to the preparation time and I felt so cold all of the time. It is ideal if you are a hot person, or live in a warm climate.
Anyway, my skin started to change, and tighten, and even brown spots started to clear up. It amazing. Do not underestimate the power of food!

3rd December 2016, 08:10
If you improve your muscle tone your skin will hang better on your frame. As a result with firmer muscle it may take-up some of the slack of loose skin.

I don't think surgery is the answer, unless your skin is so bad, like the poor chap in the photo. :eek

John B
3rd December 2016, 08:24
Thanks guys for the replies. It is not common place for a man to think 'salt scrub' or creaming their body parts.

I did buy some 'Dead Sea Salt' and tried to used this it was a bit of a disaster if I'm honest, the stuff is very slippery, I nearly killed myself getting out of the bath! :ykies

When trying use the salt on my skin, the salt crystals went everywhere, this may be due to my over zealous scrubbing and to top it off, the salt finds cuts on you that you never realised existed! :eek which stung for ages afterwards.

I seem to develop a new found respect for women everywhere who put themselves through this beauty regime, they are either very special, or mental...I reserve judgement.

3rd December 2016, 20:01
John B, you had me howling with laughter at your post, probably because I can relate to it so well. I've tried that Dead Sea salt scrub, it's quite oily!

A loofah, or dry salt will do the job just as well. Don't be too hard, you could end up damaging your skin.

24th November 2017, 20:27
I've recently tried fascia blasting, I saw it on YouTube and decided to give it a go, it can help with cellulite, but it has also said to be affective on sagging skin. I couldnt afford the original fascia blaster as advertised by 'Ashley Black' https://www.fasciablaster.com its very expensive to purchase in the UK. So I bought a cheaper version, it helps to bring blood to the surface of the skin.

I believe that having this additional blood flow, it will help to bring nutrients to the skin, helping it to tighten over time. It's not a quick, overnight cure, but part of a multiple approach, I believe it can help to tighten the skin.

25th November 2017, 23:23
I've recently tried fascia blasting, I saw it on YouTube and decided to give it a go, it can help with cellulite, but it has also said to be affective on sagging skin. I couldnt afford the original fascia blaster as advertised by 'Ashley Black' https://www.fasciablaster.com its very expensive to purchase in the UK. So I bought a cheaper version, it helps to bring blood to the surface of the skin.

I believe that having this additional blood flow, it will help to bring nutrients to the skin, helping it to tighten over time. It's not a quick, overnight cure, but part of a multiple approach, I believe it can help to tighten the skin.

What is fascia blasting? And what is your fascia?

15th August 2020, 16:08
Adele has lost loads of weight and there are stunning pictures of her all over the media but the reality is she will have loads of excess skin that will have to be cut away. Isn’t it better to love the skin you are in? I have noticed that people who have lost a significant amount of weight look so much older.